Members Area

The following memberships are available:

  • standard: €40,- /calendar year Content: newsletter, access to media library, 10% discount on tickets for ÖFG events
  • student: €25,-/calendar year Content: Newsletter, access to media library, 20% discount on tickets for ÖFG events
  • supporting members: €350,-/calendar year (minimum amount) Content: newsletter, access to media library, free admission to all ÖFG events (subject to prior registration), annual own event

Membership is confirmed after completing and sending the membership application (online or email) and payment of the membership fee, and is automatically renewed for a further year until further notice. The notice period is December 10 of the previous year.

Our bank details: Österreichische Flötengesellschaft
IBAN: AT09 1500 0004 5109 3017


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